UK’s daily virus cases highest since end of May

Nearly 3,000 new “virus” cases in UK’s biggest daily increase since May

Nearly 3,000 new cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the UK in the largest daily figure since May, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock admitting the rise is “concerning”. Government figures show there have been a further 2,988 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK as of 9am on Sunday. This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the UK to 347,152. Sunday’s figure is the highest since May 22 when 3,287 cases were recorded, and is also the first 24-hour period when cases passed 2,000 since the end of May. The tally was an increase on Saturday’s figures of 1,813 new cases. Scotland recorded 208 new coronavirus cases, the highest daily increase in positive tests for more than 17 weeks. Nick Note: Its the start of the second wave attacking Europe. And yes it has mutated again. Lock downs are on the near horizon with the politicians, special interest groups kicking and scream all along the way. To be clear here its the need for the public’s right to a vacation because the masses are “stressed”. And as i collect the evidence i am more convinced its the Aluminum and Kevlar pressurized incubation tubes the modern jetliner. The lobbyist of the airline industry are powerful. Have you noticed all the little ditties the industries PR spin mysters are producing. The HEPTA 10 “NEW” filters they are hyping.. (same as used in operating rooms they say). The secret is they have been in use since the nineties when to save fuel the manufactures starting recirculating cabin air. They are only pumping new air into the cabin 50% of the time. The HEPTA 10 filters they are using are the same material as used in your Coffee Paper N95 that pass ALL the vaporized viruses. It has not stopped infections passing among the passengers for the past 30 years. Now all of a sudden they would have you believe their joke filters started working. And why then are the requiring passengers to wear toilet paper and coffee filter masks proven not to work. Its all about the blow, Go and show! People are coming out of those virus incubators infected…. And AND AND they are passing and circulating the virus far and wide. STOP all flights NOW! of course they will not do it. Nick Note II: In my complete and utter frustration of my inability to get supplied the right P3 filters i am having state of the art UPLA 15 filters custom manufactured for me at ISO certified factories. For the record i uped the stae of the art. with newer higher filtration properities media. This is nota easy deal. It involves contracting for the right fiber material. Only one factory makes the resin. Then i have to have the rolls of filter material pleated, cut into circles and sealed around the edges. From their they have to go into food grade canisters. And all this has to be assembled in ISO 13485 certified factories for medical equipment manufacturing in Europe . Not in dogshit China factories. This UPLA 15 technology has never been available in canister filters before. I guess the new fleet of vehicles will have to wait. Including my preorder of the EV Hummer.



Hummer or trying to save lives….WELL lets not get carried away here. After all its 1000HP and i can charge it off my solar panels… GOD i wish i could be a greedy pig.. Hey God if i trade really really GOOD can i do the filter deal AND the Hummer EV? I wish someone else would do this… But they do not want to write the BIG check. Oh Well!