WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump confirmed that he plans to invoke a provision that would allow him to prohibit certain people from entering the country, including asylum seekers and those entering the country illegally at the southern border. “The answer’s yes,” Trump told reporters when asked about the code, adding that he plans to invoke it “very soon. Probably today.” The administration will invoke 42 U.S. Code 265, a section of the federal legal code that states the U.S. surgeon general “shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose.” President Donald Trump said he is invoking the Defense Production Act, which allows the administration to expedite and expand the supply of resources. Trump did not say specifically what powers he would execute, but the act could allow him to step up production of respirators and other medical equipment. Trump declined to say how, precisely, the Defense Production Act would be used and he suggested that the administration is still deciding. He said the administration had “targets” for equipment it wanted but did not say what those targets were. “We need millions of masks,” Trump said. “We need respirators.” The announcement comes as the White House and Congress negotiate a trillion-dollar economic stimulus plan to combat the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
Here’s what else was said at the briefing:
- Trump also said health officials are working on a “self swab” coronavirus test that would allow front line health care workers to test themselves for the virus. “It would free up a lot,” Trump said.
- Trump also announced he plans to hold an additional news conference either later Wednesday or early Thursday to discuss coronavirus progress at the Food and Drug Administration. Trump said he “asked the FDA to cut through the red tape and reduce regulatory barriers.”
- Vice President Mike Pence said the Canada border closing should not affect business relationships between the two countries: “This does not include essential travel or the transfer of goods.”
- The federal government is recommending Americans and doctors postpone elective surgeries, including dental surgery, to increase capacity at medical facilities, said Seema Verma, director of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. “We fully appreciate that this is going to have a major impact on the health care system,” Verma said.
- Asked about the size of the checks Americans may receive as part of a relief effort, Trump would not say the amount of the checks. He said that is “to be determined .. we’re working with the Senate now.” He added: “It will shortly be determined.”
- Trump was asked why he repeatedly refers to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus.” He said the term is “not racist at all … It comes from China. That’s why.”
- Trump says he is a war-time president, saying the virus is an “enemy” that is wrecking the economy: “It’s a very tough situation … but we’re doing it and we’re doing it well.”
- Trump said the government is ordering “thousands and thousands” of ventilators in case they’re needed. The government already has a stockpile of more than 10,000 ventilators, Pence said.
- Trump was asked why it seems well-connected people, such as professional athletes, are able to get tested : “You’d have to ask them that question …(it’s the) story of life .. That does happen.