BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK Next wave of the mutated Corona virus is coming


I am your baking dog at the gate. And i am barking my ass off. The Next wave is coming.. and it is a mutant strain for the most part they are not even testing for. I am warning you do not let your guard down. Even though the CDC poo poohs it GET YOUR ANTIBODIES TESTED. Its the only way to know if your protected……. If your antibodies are low GET THE FREEGING BOOSTER SHOT! Prepare yourself (you know the drill) we have a small window before the next wave of shutdowns come. I received my third Pfizer booster shot the first week of August. 3 months out beginning of November i got my latest antibody test. I got the LIAISON SARS-CoV-2 TrimericSIgG test. Why i selected this test is because studies show its the most sensitive. My results were >799 AU/mL. That is as high as the test goes….. I have maximum antibodies…….Thank GOD! ( please note their are different scales used depending upon the test. As a foot note because of CDC pressure the manufactures of the antibody tests do not readily publish the scale of effectiveness) But i know my job as a librarian and know the scale used for the 4 most common tests. I do not give a shit what the FDA/CDC says about how they do not recommend antibodies tests for the general public… REALITY is extensive testing is being done by drug companies that produce Covid vaccines. AND FOR A FACT they rely upon these test to ascertain vaccine effectiveness and to track antibody depletion over time to gauge when a booster shot is necessary. I urge you to do the same…..

Below is a link to study published July 27th.

Conclusions: The LIAISON® SARS-CoV-2 TrimericS IgG assay is highly sensitive and specific. The balance of these parameters, without emphasis on high specificity alone, is particularly important when applied to high prevalence populations, where a highly sensitive assay will result in reporting a lower number of false negative subjects.

Here is a link to the Evaluation of the antibody test:

LIAISON antibody test studies link

Here is the link to the full comparative studies among the most common antibody tests

Link to the full Antbody comparison test