Factbox: Latest on the origin of the coronavirus

Exclusive to the WSI and Pandemic Informer. Nick Note: I want to be clear here. Its a fact that the covid19 virus originated in bats. The bat species Rhinolophus macrotis (horseshoe Bat) is not in Wuhan but from Yunnan province.

A very rare species. It was never sold in the Wuhan Market. It is also a fact that the Chines bat lady Dr Lee was in the caves in Yunnan province and captured the big-eared horseshoe bats….

because they carried 71% antibodies of what you know as covid19 virus, the most of any bat species. They collected live specimens from the remote secret cave where this particular species was found and brought them to the Wuhan lab for experimentation IE genetic engineering.. In fact Zhengli Shi confirmed the finding:

In 2004, deep in the wilderness of China’s Yunnan province, a group of scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology discovered a cave full of wild bats carrying hundreds of SARS-related viruses. Their work was published in a draft paper in 2005,

I obtained a copy of that study title: Bats are natural reservoirs of SAR like coronaviruses…. link below

This paper unearthed the link between SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and bats for the first time. The virologist who led that study, Shi Zhengli, one of the strains found in that cave — the exact location of which is a closely guarded secret — is almost identical to the 2019-nCoV coronavirus which has so far killed million of people and infected hundreds of million worldwide. Costing the global economy trillions of dollars in losses

And it is a established fact that Dr Zhengli Shi was doing Genetic experimentation on said bats in the Wuhan bio level 4 labs. And it is a fact that 3 lab workers became infected and died, Please note by some amazing coincidence ALL the worlds recent SARS and Corona Viruses epidemics have originated out of China.

like corona viruses

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged in 2002 to 2003 in southern China. The origin of its etiological agent, the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), remains elusive. Here we report that species of bats are a natural host of coronaviruses closely related to those responsible for the SARS outbreak. These viruses, termed SARS-like coronaviruses (SL-CoVs), display greater genetic variation than SARS-CoV isolated from humans or from civets. The human and civet isolates of SARS-CoV nestle phylogenetically within the spectrum of SL-CoVs, indicating that the virus responsible for the SARS outbreak was a member of this coronavirus group. SEE LINK BELOW

China Report SARS and Corona Virus from 2005

Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS and corona virus from PUB REPORT 2017

Yet another piece of the pandemic puzzle has fallen into place – after being hidden in plain sight until it was wiped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) website. Unearthed by The National Pulse’s Natalie Winters, a Nov. 2017 report titled): “Bats in China carry all the ingredients to make a new SARS virus,” describes how researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had identified ‘all the genes to make a SARS coronavirus similar to the epidemic strain,’ among 11 new strains of viruses collected in horseshoe bats. Report published in 2017. SEE LINK BELOW

Discovery of gene pool SARS-related corona viruses in Bats