BioNTech CEO: Pandemic could be under control by summer

Below is a 3 mouth old interview. Most of the issues have been resolve. the mRNA vaccine is a modern miracle and a great scientific breakthrough

Ugur Shahin, head of BioNTech, which is developing a coronavirus vaccine with Pfizer, predicted when the pandemic could be brought under control. He told about this in an interview with Fox TV channel.

According to Shahin, it will be possible to take control of the pandemic by the end of summer 2021. The widespread distribution of the coronavirus vaccine will be critical in this process.

The specialist expressed the opinion that vaccination can seriously change the situation as early as April next year. “I hope we can introduce the vaccine very quickly. This will significantly reduce the number of hospitalizations, ” he added. However, to see results, at least 30 per cent of Americans will need to be vaccinated,

Shahin said.Pfizer and BioNTech are confident they can provide 1.3 billion doses of vaccine in 2021, the specialist said. At the same time, the possibility of delivering an even larger quantity of the drug over the next year is being evaluated. Earlier, Ugur Shahin said that the pandemic would subside by the beginning of next winter. The victory over the spread of SARS-CoV-2 will be possible thanks to the widespread use of the vaccine, which will halve the number of cases of transmission of the pathogen.